Epidemiology 001

Epidemiology of Primary Hyperhidrosis

Welcome to Introduction to Epidemiology!  

The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to descriptive and analytic methods in epidemiology and their application to research and practice in public health, clinical and preventive medicine.

At the end of this course, the student will:

  1. Be able to use epidemiologic terminology
  2. Be able to calculate and interpret crude, specific, and adjusted rates and measures of excess risk
  3. Be able to understand important epidemiologic concepts including measures of association, bias, and causal reasoning
  4. Be able to read published studies to recognize study designs and evaluate the potential for selection, information, and analytic bias, confounding and interaction
  5. Know basic concepts of fields related to epidemiology including demography, infectious disease, and preventive medicine
  6. Know specific applications of epidemiologic methods including infectious disease outbreak investigation and screening program design
  7. Evaluate the relevance of findings in the medical literature to both public health and clinical practice.

Please read the full syllabus:   It is your responsibility to be familiar with the course expectations and grading policies. 

The course schedule may be found here:

The links that you see below are for all assignments due this semester.  The date that you see on your left is the due date.   This is a completely online class and we open modules 1 week at a time.  

Course Summary:

Date Details Due